I don't normally like cats but the place where I rent has lots of them roaming around. It kind of feel like living with cat women. I stay at the 5th floor (the highest floor) supposedly away from all the rats and cats and other pests or whatever scary shit that roams the area.
So I was pretty amazed when I saw a cat napping in from of my house door. Somehow looking at it nap makes me think it's adorable.
See this fur ball comfortably curled up in front of my house. Isn't he a darling? That was what I thought. I actually thought of chasing it away but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Sigh...
yea...tat's cute...
im sure my hamster looks cuter...
will upload his pic soon yea...^^
hahaha...what makes you think its a he and not a she???hmmmmm......
yea...ma hamster's male...
i got it frm ma fren...^^
hahaha..i was asking how me2baby knows that the cat is a he and not a she?
hahaha.. Well, The obvious way. Check the sex organ @.@
Anonymous, whats ur name?
o.O.........check the sex organ? curiosity kills the cat...hahaha..i prefer to be called your fan..can call me fan..;)
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